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Re: Unix links subverting Web security

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995, Steff Watkins wrote:

>     ln -s /etc/passwd test.doc
> I then called this file across the network from another machine (albeit
> within the .bris.ac.uk domain) using netscape and the simple user specific
> URL of '~ccsw/test.doc'.
> What I got back was a nicely pre-formatted copy of my '/etc/passwd' file.

> So, the question is:
>   Is there a standard way of stopping this, by configuration or some other
> means at source, that is the WebServer itself? Or, do I have to ritually
> scan my filesystem for links to potentially dangerous systems files and
> delete them??

There are two issues here.  One is whether you trust your users in some 
fashion not to do stupid|dangerous things.  For example, there's not much 
difference between creating a link like this and posting the passwd file 
to alt.test or alt.2600.  Anonymously, of course:)  You might also 
consider that "telnet your_host finger" will usually result in a list of 
all the users anyway.

After users, the server is an issue.  Within Unix a "chroot" can be done 
so that links like you created go nowhere because root is really 
/var/www.  CERN is actually a very easy server to setup this way by 
adding about 10 lines to the function HTUserInit.c.  If anyone want's the 
mods, let me know.

Most of the servers can be setup this way.  In fact, other demons like 
FTP have been running chrooted for years.

--- David Miller

		It's *amazing* what one can accomplish when 
		    one doesn't know what one can't do!
